arki_lab - Designing Cities With People

arki_lab - Designing Cities With People

Architecture and Planning

arki_lab is an interdisciplinary urban design consultancy – defined by our strong focus on democratic processes

About us

arki_lab is an interdisciplinary urban design studio defined by our strong focus on democratic processes. We uncover local knowledge by listening to the quiet voices. Using a range of engagement strategies, data analysis and feminist city planning, we turn dreams into urban interventions, design and strategies. We’re securing people’s right to co-create the city and thereby developing vibrant and sustainable communities Find out more about the latest projects in the updates below.

Architecture and Planning
Company size
2-10 employees
Urban design and planning, Workshops, Communication, Innovation, Teaching, Lectures, User involvement, and Exhibition


Employees at arki_lab - Designing Cities With People


  • A PEEK INTO OUR COPENHAGEN OFFICE LIFE More and more sunny, warm days don’t just mark the beginning of spring in Copenhagen, but also the 1 year anniversary of us being in our new Copenhagen head office! After 10 years in Birkegade, we moved to a larger and more dynamic space to facilitate an even better framework for designing with citizens and users. Since then we were fortunate enough to be a part of various projects, ranging from small scale to big scale not just in Denmark, but also in Australia and Sweden. To celebrate this special occasion, Ina had some croissants (two, to be precise), Anna practised her latte art and Linnea was working on another exciting project before enjoying the sun with the rest of the team. You are wondering what that looked like, how good the coffee really is and are interested in democratic, feminist, inclusive and sustainable design WITH people? Then feel free to get in touch and visit us at the shared office space Republikken on Vesterbrogade 26, we look forward to meeting you!

  • Støtte til studierejse Vi øver os hele tiden i at spidse ører. Og selvom vi har arbejdet med inddragelse i over ti år, bliver vi ved med at opdage nye stemmer, jo bedre vi bliver til at lytte efter. På vores projekter i Australien de sidste år har vi stiftet bekendtskab med filosofien "Designing with Country", der handler om at udvide grænserne for hvem og hvad man lytter til, og hvordan man kan tage det med i sin praksis. Og i år har vi været så heldige, at få støtte fra DREYERS FOND til at fordybe os endnu mere i dette. Derfor rejser Jeanette Westergaard Frisk og Rasmus W. Frisk til Australien til sommer, for at udveksle erfaringer med inddragelse og for at blive endnu bedre til at lytte. Det er vigtigere end nogensinde før at gøre sig umage med at høre efter, og vi har meget at lære af at samarbejde med oprindelige folk, med andre arkitekter og ildsjæle og lige så vigtigt med planter, dyr og traditioner. Vi glæder os rigtig meget til at komme af sted, til at mødes med bl.a. Elyse Wilson fra Yerrabingin, Dr Belinda Russon Nayanar fra Tranby Aboriginal Co-operative Limited, Chris Lacey fra MCCI, Anthony Body fra Regional New South Wales, og til at komme hjem igen med endnu spidsere ører.

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  • Big congratulations to the Multicultural Communities Council of Illawarra on the upcoming opening of the Shoalhaven Multicultural Hub! Back in May 2023, we collaborated with Chris Lacey to engage local community members and other stakeholders, aiming to understand the needs and aspirations for a hub in Nowra targeting multicultural communities in the Shoalhaven. Now, a little over a year later, the hub is becoming a reality. Well done to everybody involved! We understand that some of you have been working on this for a much longer time. Also thank you to Anthony Body and Department of Regional NSW for their part. From Denmark, we send our regards and congratulations to a project that we are confident will have a positive impact on many people's lives.

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  • 𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘁 𝗯𝗲𝗯𝗼𝗲𝗿-𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗮𝗴𝗲𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗶 𝗣𝗼𝘀𝘁𝗽𝗮𝗿𝗸𝗲𝗻 I mandags var vi sammen med OPLAND og FA09 på pletten i Postparken for at påbegynde den næste fase af transformationen af Postparkens udendørsarealer. Opland præsenterede deres vindende forslag, og der blev iværksat en baseline måling som skal hjælpe med at give en endnu bedre forståelse af beboernes brugsmønstre og behov. Mange beboere trodsede rekordkulden og deltog engageret og aktivt i samtalen om, hvordan de kommende udearealer kan skabe nye fællesskaber, mødesteder og hyggekroge samt hvordan de ønsker sig, at det hele skal se ud. De næste seks uger afholder vi tematiske arbejdsgruppemøder og inviterer beboerne helt ind i design-maskinrummet sammen med Opland for at videreudvikle deres landskabs forslag for projektet. Vi glæder os!

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  • 𝐂𝐨-𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐡𝐮𝐛𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐃𝐞𝐧𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐤’𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡 ⛹♀️ 🤸♂️ ⚽ With Summer around the corner in Denmark and people flocking outdoors to meet, enjoy the sun or do sports, we want to revisit a continuous Project of ours, which creates spaces for exactly that.  A little over year ago we won the competition together with ReVærk for #MEREGADE: Street Hubs, a project by the streets sports organisation GAME, which is supported by the Nordea-fonden. The project is about creating urban spaces, to expand street sport possibilities and invite more children and young people to be physically active and included in diverse communities and having a place to meet. Seven innovative Street Hubs will be established around Denmark until 2027. 𝐎𝐧 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞, 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟𝐟 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐞 We have collaborated with ReVærk and focused on creating a project based on recycling, modular design and inclusion.  The modular design allows for different uses, not solely limited to sports, and ensures the adaptability of the project to its specific context. Three distinctive zones create an inclusive area which provides space for a diverse user group of young people. It offers larger open spaces, where one can be seen and perform (𝘖𝘯 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘦), smaller less-open spaces to practice (𝘉𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘦) and niche spaces (𝘖𝘧𝘧 𝘚𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘦), where one can spectate, rest or hang out. For these zones to be laid out in the best possible manner the key is to meet children and young people at eye level. The engagement process will focus on vulnerable groups, minorities and young people and aims for them to play an essential role to create an inclusive project. The project runs until 2027 so we are excited to continue working on engaging the youth and improving street sports possibilities and communal meeting places.

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  • Turning the clock and bringing work hours closer! ☀ With many of our exciting projects taking place in Australia comes the puzzle of getting the work hours on two different hemispheres to meet. Long distance collaboration means online meetings at late and early hours. And as fruitful as this always seems to be, we are not gonna lie about being excited for the turning of clocks across the globe this upcoming week! With Denmark turning the clock an hour forward and Australia turning the clock an hour back our work days will be closing in on each other - and hopefully add even more energy to ongoing and future exciting projects Down under!   

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  • NYT SAMARBEJDE MED OMRÅDEFORNYELSEN SKJOLDS PLADS Vi er i fuld gang med at planlægge et spændende forløb om byrumsanalyse- og design for 6. klasses elever på Nørre Fælled Skole, i samarbejde med OMF Skjolds Plads i Københavns Kommune! Formålet med læringsforløbet er at få de unge til at forholde sig til deres by og komme med konkrete designforslag til områdefornyelsens projekter. Eleverne skal stifte bekendtskab med arkitekturens og planlægningens verden gennem analysearbejde, konceptudvikling og visuel formidling af deres idéer. Det er Lersø Parkallé og Sifs Plads som står for skud, når eleverne skal drømme stort og bidrage med deres perspektiver på gode uderum i kvarteret. Vi glæder os til at tage med eleverne på feltarbejde til april!

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  • VI SØGER PRAKTIKANTER / LOOKING FOR INTERNS  DK: Er du studerende med en designfaglig eller samfundsvidenskabelig profil og praktiksøgende? Eller kender du en der er?  Vi søger to praktikanter, som er nysgerrige på inddragelse, design, analyse og formidling og vil være en del af vores tværfaglige team på kontoret i København i efteråret 2024! EN: Are you a student with a background in design or social sciences and looking for an internship? Or do you know someone who is? We are looking for two interns who are curious about engagement, design, analysis, and communication, and who want to be part of our interdisciplinary team at our office in Copenhagen in the autumn of 2024! DK: Læs mere om praktikstillingerne her: EN: Read more about the internship positions here: Design intern:  Analytical intern: DK: Send en ansøgning vores vej, vi afholder løbende samtaler! EN: Send an application our way; we will have interviews continuously!

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  • PRESENTING OUR TOOLS AT DCCEEW (Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water) IN AUSTRALIA As we move towards a more sustainable future, energy landscapes are changing. Our relationship towards the world and its resources is undergoing rapid development, as renewable energy infrastructure is built up and connected to the grid. Being one of the leading economies, Australia still relies largely on coal and gas, and the ongoing shift towards renewable energy production is affecting institutions as well as citizens at a large scale. As a consequence, there is a growing need to engage citizens and bring them on board for this development. The Australian government has initiated online community consultations on potential offshore wind developments. The high amount of feedback from communities, groups, local governments, businesses, such as fisheries and tourism operators, shows the relevance, as well as the need for citizen engagement on this topic. In this context Rasmus W. Frisk was invited by the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) of the Australian Government to present the arki_lab approach towards community engagement, especially the arki_nopoly game. Rasmus also talked about how the approach has been used in some of our recent Australian Projects, such as Nowra Riverfront, the Iyoria Aboriginal Elders Belonging Estate, Multicultural HUB in the Shoalhaven and the Bungendore Place Plan. It is great to see the continued and growing interest in arki_nopoly and citizen engagement for handling the different challenges we face globally today! If you are interested in learning more, you can have a look at:

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  • SPÆNDENDE VISIONSARBEJDE I POSTPARKEN Vi har de seneste måneder arbejdet med visionsudvikling og et konkurrenceprogram for arkitektkonkurrencen om en stor transformation af udearealerne i den almene boligforening Postparken i Tårnby. Senest sad vi som konkurrencesekretariat med rundt om bordet, for at bistå med rådgivning, da vinderen af konkurrencen skulle udvælges. Til arkitektkonkurrencen var der inviteret tre tegnestuer, der hver især har udmærket sig med projekter af høj kvalitet, hvor der arbejdes med bynatur og sociale mødesteder. Blandt de inviterede tegnestuer var BOGL, OPLAND og SLA. Opland vandt konkurrencen med et forslag, der af dommerkomiteen blev fremhævet for sin gode forståelse af de særlige potentialer for fællesskab, der eksisterer i det almene. Stort tillykke til Opland! Den overordnede vision for transformationen af Postparkens fællesarealer og faciliteter, er at fremme de fysiske og sociale rammer, som allerede eksisterer i Postparken. Postparken skal være et eksempel på den moderne almene boligforening, der formår at omfavne behovene fra forskellige generationer på en bæredygtig måde, og der skal arbejdes med en ambitiøs tilgang til ressourcegenanvendelse, biodiversitet og naturoplevelser i landskabet. Vi glæder os til det videre samarbejde med beboerne, afdelingsbestyrelsen, FA09 og OPLAND !

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